This website is dedicated to the short story and to those interested in reading this delightful art form.
Fewer and fewer people these days read short stories. This is unfortunate. Few will ever experience the joy that reading such fine work can give. The goal of this site is to give a nice cross section of short stories in the hope that these short stories will excite people into rediscovering this excellent source of entertainment.
Happy reading!
by Story Title
If you know the title of the story you are seeking, click on the above button to navigate to a page where you will be able to find the stories we have here listed in alphabetical order. Stories that start with 'The' and 'A' will be listed as if the title starts with the next word.
by Story Author
If you have an author's name, but can't remember the title of the particular story you are looking for, click on the above button to navigate to a page where you will be confronted by a list of the authors whose works appear here. And, of course, the authors will be listed in last name, first name order.
If you would like to know where we found the stories that are listed here, you can find out where on this page. Click on the above button to go to the Bibliography which will provide book compilation information,
or the contributor providing the story (thank you contributors!).
Related Links
If you want more of this good stuff, click on the above button to take you to a page where you can find other short story sites, and reading sites generally.